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John Hesketh

After studying Chemistry and Biochemistry at Oxford University, John obtained a PhD in Neuropharmacology at Edinburgh University and then worked as a Post-Doctoral research scientist at Centre de Neurochimie du CNRS, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France. He began working in nutrition in 1978 and spent 21 years as a research scientist at the Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, UK. Since 1999, he has been Professor of Mammalian Molecular Biology, University of Newcastle. His research interests are focussed on molecular nutrition, nutrient-gene interactions and how genetic polymorphisms and dietary factors (particularly selenium) interact to underlie individual variation in dietary requirements and susceptibility to multifactorial disease. His research has been supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Wellcome Trust, EU and Food Standards Agency.

Fonte: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition